Our Philosophy

The SKV Team

At SKV Group we make it a priority to learn what is most important to our clients, their goals, feelings about risk, family, and charitable interests.

Helping clients professionally and/or personally energizes us and is our purpose at SKV. We counsel according to our principles and beliefs, which we have found successful when the turn inevitably comes. We encourage our clients to stay true to their investment plan, even when a tide of hysteria is against them.

We Believe That:

1. Optimism is rational. Today is better than yesterday. Tomorrow is brighter than today. The path of history is up.

2. Investor behavior is the single biggest determinant of investor success. Value is added during periods of market duress or euphoria, when the temptation to abandon a well-thought-out plan is strongest. Successful investing is contingent more upon helping a client manage emotion than on managing their money. Have you ever sold all or a substantial part of your equity investments during a crisis and a major market decline? We work with our clients to educate them around these market conditions and strive to be their “big mistake” insurance. The cost of a “big mistake” far exceeds the cost of our coaching.

3. Goals will not be reached when an investor relies upon “superior security selection skills” and/or market timing strategies. We are planners, not prognosticators.

4. Diversification is the only long-term, time-tested, wealth management strategy that consistently works. Permanent loss is designed to be avoided in a properly diversified portfolio. Because at any moment a diversified portfolio may have short-term “winners” and “losers”, the temptation to chase performance can be very strong.

5. Faith, Discipline, and Patience are the key ingredients in any comprehensive wealth management plan.

* Asset allocation and diversification are investment methods used to help manage risk. They do not guarantee investment returns or eliminate risk of loss including in a declining market.